ADHD Insights

March 4, 2007

Depression-Stress, Men-Midlfe

First an apology for the repeat on the immediate previous post. Revised it, stored the revision, and inadvertently resent it. Mainly tried to add a good […]
February 27, 2007

Protein Breakfast Recipe 2: How on Protein

Protein breakfasts work, - if you work it. Yes, I know what many of you are going to say after that last breakfast post- "Good thinking, been there, just can't do that." The simple solution to breakfast: think "protein," not "breakfast."
February 25, 2007

Power Breakfast Recipe 1: Eat Protein

Breakfast habits are terrible, and the problem is completely pandemic.
February 11, 2007

Metabolism and ADD/ADHD

ADD/ADHD is often associated with metabolic issues with bowel, liver and associated primary metabolic problems. Adrenal fatigue, covered in two recent posts here, can look very […]