
January 1, 2013

ADHD Insights: Stimulants Don’t Work

Let's all make a New Year's Resolution to honor the reality of neuroscience - of those new brain maps - for all of psychiatric treatment. Without maps too many folks careen off the tracks that should set up a safe arrival.
November 5, 2012

ADHD Insights: Adrenal Compromise And Copper

Many are treated with stimulants for ADHD because they're so tired, dull, listless and simply can't think. They can't get out of bed, they are exhausted through the day, and, of course, they have a significantly compromised executive dysfunction.
October 29, 2012

ADHD Insights: Parker for CHADD

Review this win-win offer for any CHADD group, anywhere - yes, I'm on a mission. Far too many are lost at sea, confused about where they are with ADHD meds. We need a serious fix on our various medication positions.
October 26, 2012

ADHD Insights: D2 Receptors and Executive Function

If you don't know the science, you'll be less likely to predict ADHD Medication outcome. D2 Receptor polymorphism may sound like a mouthful, but if you don't know that those dopamine receptors change genetically you'll miss an important part of the evolving ADHD science