
November 5, 2011

Medication For ADHD – Stupid Diagnostic Questions

No, readers this post is not a rant, and the topic really isn't that funny.- stupid questions used to diagnose ADHD is a sad, black humor, - a statement about the state of pervasive non-science with ADHD treatment.
October 23, 2011

Mind Science – Critical Thinking Matters

Why do so many practitioners write for so many different psych meds without thinking about the body that the meds must pass through before reaching the brain - simple: a lack of critical thinking.
October 18, 2011

Moneyball Brain – From Content To Process

No, as many used to tell me at Eastern State Hospital in 1963, I'm not crazy. Moneyball, the movie, is a game changer, and one for the whole family - especially if you're stuck with labels, content, games, and can't dig deeper into the process.
June 27, 2011

Psych Meds: Time, Titration and Tachyphylaxis

So many psych drugs appear to manifest a roving Therapeutic Window, an unpredictable metabolic pattern that appears to move around and require changing over time - thus resulting in tachyphylaxis.