Deep Recovery

October 18, 2008

Fixing the ADD Madness: The Diagnostic Mess

Right Targets Right Interventions If you don't see the specific AD/HD target, if you don't have a specific objective, how can you hit anything no matter what technique you use?
October 11, 2008

AD/HD: Diagnosis and Treatment Often Miss the Mark

Our diagnostic grid for ADD Spectrum Disorders [with multiple expressions of attention related issues] is almost purely descriptive - with the inevitable consequence that we most often treat labels, not people. The public is mad because, more frequently than not, our measurements simply don't consider their pain.
March 23, 2008

John O’Donohue: Irish Poet Interviewed by Krista Tippett

Spring Perspectives: Listen to Krista Tippett of NPR Discuss Time and Change with Irish Poet John O'Donohue, one of his last interviews
March 1, 2008

The Neuroscience of Sexual Addiction: Carnes Leads the Way

Patrick Carnes and Team Raise the Bar for Addiction Medicine and Recovery: Brain Evidence Enters the Evaluation and Recovery Process