
May 25, 2009

Depression and ADHD: Jim Carrey on Neurotransmitters

Yes, Jim Carrey is using neurotransmitter precursors to help him with depression, - and what he is saying often makes office sense - we have regularly witnessed burnout from SSRIs - live on Larry King.
April 26, 2009

ADHD: The Therapeutic Window via Indiana and NYC

Monday I recorded the CorePsych Radio Therapeutic Window Piece, - all set for playing 4PM Thursday afternoon, whilst I was on a plane headed to Fort Wayne, IN. Fri I gave a full day presentation on brain and body evidence, diagnosis and the new medications, for Park Center - the recording didn't make it due to a server crash.
April 8, 2009

ADHD and Bipolar: Controversy Explored at CorePsych Radio

ADHD and Bipolar Disorder may at times 'look' similar, but the differences can spell big trouble for treatment strategies. Tune in to the link at CorePsych Radio to listen to this program on Thursday 4PM EDT, 1 PDT to tease apart the specifics
March 11, 2009

Brain and Immunity: Brain Function and Our Diet

Guest: Russell Jaffe MD PhD What we eat often does significantly change our mental state: Thinking, Feeling and Emotions- Tune in to CorePsych Radio this Thursday to hear live comments for 1hr from 4-5 EDT from one of my most respected mentors - the testing and evidence for brain function assessments is remarkably effective.