
March 30, 2009

ADHD Medications with Depression: Seven Significant Problems

Depression and ADHD: Often Confusing - Listen on CorePsych Radio -handout for the program at this link, medications specifically recommended
March 11, 2009

Brain and Immunity: Brain Function and Our Diet

Guest: Russell Jaffe MD PhD What we eat often does significantly change our mental state: Thinking, Feeling and Emotions- Tune in to CorePsych Radio this Thursday to hear live comments for 1hr from 4-5 EDT from one of my most respected mentors - the testing and evidence for brain function assessments is remarkably effective.
March 2, 2009

The 10 Biggest Problems with ADHD Medications: CorePsych Radio Series

ADHD Meds: Do you think there is a big problem with not paying attention to the medications used for paying attention? I do. - Well, I do agree, but I am not trying to find someone to blame - on the other hand, I'm trying to give you, the public and interested professionals, some real answers.
November 17, 2008

ADD, ADHD Stimulant Medication Dosage: The ‘Bottom Bewitching Hours’

New ADD/ADHD stimulant meds can cover the entire day, school and work alone are no longer the only objectives. Family life, the evening, and overall cognitive management throughout the day, have become important treatment objectives with the new medication alternatives.