Nutrition in Evidence

July 20, 2007

Brain and Bowel: The Gluten Mystery

The Bowel and the Brain are connected: Gluten Sensitivity is one of the main culprits.Bowel And gluten sensitivity is often the underlying cause of silent celiac an important GI problem receiving more attention in the literature.
July 17, 2007

Mark Hyman on Acne: Canary in the Coal Mine

Acne can be the tip of an iceberg: Iceberg Hyman has a great video on Acne and metabolic implications over at his Ultrametabolism Blog, a must see for anyone thinking that pimples are just a developmental problem
July 15, 2007

Essential Fatty Acids: CorePsychPodcast

Tour over to CorePsychPodcast this weekend for a short audio overview some of the basics on Essential Fatty Acids [EFAs] as I interview Camille Gallinger, CN a nutritionist at CorePsych.
June 24, 2007

Autism and Leaky Gut: Often Together

Constipation or diarrhea, it doesn't matter, that bowel, the first line sewage treatment plant, is rusty if not broken.