Video Diaries

November 3, 2014

Copper Levels, Mind, Anxiety and Estrogen

Free copper levels, measured by using serum copper and ceruloplasmin calculations, will become important in treatment only if measured and identified. Calculations are in order.
October 19, 2014

Toxic Metal Overload Depression – Walsh Biotype

Approximately 5% of the 2,800 persons in our depression database exhibited toxic-metal poisoning as their primary chemical imbalance. If not recognized they result in treatment failure.
October 12, 2014

Pyrrole Disorder and Depression – Walsh Biotypes

Pyrrole disorder is one you must absolutely consider in treatment resistant depression: Severe pyrrole levels have been observed in persons diagnosed with violent behaviors, depression, schizophrenia, and other serious mental disorders.
October 4, 2014

Copper Excess and Depression – Walsh Biotypes

Copper-overloaded depressives usually report that serotonin-enhancing antidepressants provide improvement in moods, but they worsen anxiety. Estrogen and adrenal imbalances frequently associated.