Video Diaries

December 28, 2013

NPH Brain Evidence: ADHD At 76 Needs SPECT Review

Looked like ADHD, turned out to reveal NPH: Symptoms in a 76 yo male looked like an ADHD/Executive Function, focus and concentration problem - but with a gait disturbance, a urinary problem [incontinence], and dementia.
December 23, 2013

ADHD And EFD: Complexity, Simplicity And Opportunity

Executive Function assessments seem at first more complicated, but using real brain function will change the lives of millions in the next few years
December 1, 2013

Sean Croxton Translates Gluten Testing

If you don't have a map, if you don't know where you're going, why waste money and time on gluten/immunity guesswork?
November 10, 2013

Alessio Fasano Gluten Summit

Remember if you register you can download recordings to listen later.... including the entire summit with such Gluten Luminaries as Dr Alessio Fasano, Medical Director at the Center for Celiac Research