Processes & Things
Yes, Life is a process, not a thing. Yes, arguably, some can remark that Life is a ‘thing' – but it does remain undeniably different than a fixed object because it includes that most changeable, yet easily measurable, quality of Time.
Life Process is demanding: it requires Adaptive adjustment as it passes.
Living within that process, we must emphasize the Adaptive adjustment process for our maturing Selves, with learned, synchronized, effective responses to the changing scene. With the improved science of learning more effective ownership strategies regarding our Life processes, we often become more informed – as we “learn from our mistakes.”
If you don't learn, they will painfully repeat as a difficult mess on your doorstep – as long as you dance in denial.
Grow Your Skills
See this How-To Video Playlist – with pen in hand – to take notes to better own your growing, learning regarding evolved Self-Managment skills that will apply to everyday life. These skills can, with practice, improve with time. Problems can reframe themselves into maps for lessons that will likely repeatedly occur if not learned and adapted.
For your notes: [+] I got this and will review the satisfaction of discovery and practice; [-] I missed this and must review again on my weekly review, and [>} this is my plan – let me see if I can improve my game. – Life is personal so make it a lesson plan.
And please do feel free to drop a note there on YouTube if these notes work for you…
As they say in Recovery Rooms [e.g. NA, AA] – ‘they work if you work them…'
All the Best wishes to you and yours for the multiple opportunities that will come your way this interesting New Year –
On the Path with you,